Sunday, September 21, 2008

Das Glûnder Rave

"Man, our suite parties have been way too chill. We need to do something ridiculous, make a name for our suite. I mean last year everyone on OC knew was the techno suite."
--a week later--
"A rave. We need a rave. A buun ts buun ts buun ts strobe/blacklight e-infused rave. And no 50 Cent."

Well, maybe without the e...but you get the drill.

For Bingham D12's first official (read: facebook event) party of the year, we decided to throw a rave. 500 Glow Sticks were bought. A strobe light was acquired. And for 45 minutes on Friday night, D12 (sorta kinda) brought a European club to Old Campus. My 450 Watt speakers delivered (they better have...I spent 1/5 of what I made busboying on them), and the next morning, the room wasn't as gross as I expected it to be. But we're pretty sure someone stole our tv remote...

We 'outsourced' the techno playlist to a Hong Kong native, Jin Lee, in the suite. In sucessive raves, I'll play more of a role in the music selection and reflect on how they played with the crowd. Hopefully, by the end of this course, I'll have developed the ultimate Yale rave playlist which incorporates some originals of my own.

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